Sunday, December 28, 2008
Happy Holidays!
We've been a little nuts over here. Eliza had a wonderful First Christmas! Lots of pictures to come soon.

Monday, December 8, 2008
7 Whole Months Old.
It's hard to believe our girl is on her second half of her first year. I looked over at her today and all of a sudden she looked very big. Like a kid, not a baby. Ya I know she's still a baby but it seems every time she wakes up she can do something new. She still only has her bottom two teeth and it's funny how they just keep getting bigger. You'd think they just come in and that's it. So we're awaiting the top two. any day now. She's eating three "meals" a day and so far she's a pretty good eater. No major objections, even with green things. The other day she ate two cheerios. She's mastered the restaurant high chair and it is truly a life changing event for a parent I believe. She's learned how to make raspberries and I often find her in her crib, her face covered in spit spray, shrieking and blowing raspberries with pure delight. She has said "mama" and "dada" after we say it to her. I'm sure she doesn't know what they mean but I think she knows it pleases us. Perhaps. She also says "ffplaababababash" so who knows. She's getting to be a better napping baby. This has been a huge breakthrough for me.
Her laugh is heaven. Not many have heard it yet (although she's been doing it for months.) But when you do, you get it.
She's learned that it's quite entertaining to be really loud. Whether by banging toys or shrieking or singing in a tone mostly reserved for dogs' ears, we rarely go anywhere without being noticed. She'll sit for an hour or so on the rug playing with her toys. When on her tummy, she's starting to wriggle her way over to favorite toys. (cue child proofing) We're starting to notice things like wood floors, sharp edges and electrical cords. help. For anyone who knows ballet lingo, she constantly does frappes with her right foot. very funny to me.
Okay so some pictures and a video.

Her laugh is heaven. Not many have heard it yet (although she's been doing it for months.) But when you do, you get it.
She's learned that it's quite entertaining to be really loud. Whether by banging toys or shrieking or singing in a tone mostly reserved for dogs' ears, we rarely go anywhere without being noticed. She'll sit for an hour or so on the rug playing with her toys. When on her tummy, she's starting to wriggle her way over to favorite toys. (cue child proofing) We're starting to notice things like wood floors, sharp edges and electrical cords. help. For anyone who knows ballet lingo, she constantly does frappes with her right foot. very funny to me.
Okay so some pictures and a video.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
So we're over at the Musavi's house the other night and when I come up from the bathroom, Carissa has Eliza dressed in this amazing hot pink tutu that she got her for the holidays. I was dying, it's so cute. We decided Eliza should make her tutu debut on Thanksgiving, Thanks Auntie Ris!!! Oh and one pic of her first turtleneck sweater.

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sitting Up...Solo
Well she's officially sitting on her own. It happened right around her 6 month birthday. It's sort of liberating and frightening all at the same time. I all of a sudden feel the need for wall to wall carpet. and by carpet i mean mattresses.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
They Meet...
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy Halloween!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Advice from Eliza's Daddy
Scott wrote this to friends who are expecting a baby girl next month.
20 things I bet you didn’t know about the baby to be. Or maybe you do, but I sure didn’t.
1) Your baby can’t smile or laugh for several weeks after birth. HOWEVER, your baby will dream while sleeping from the very first night and will laugh out loud in her dreams. If you’re like me you will wake up to make sure she is still breathing, then sit up the rest of the night wondering what on earth could be so funny to a baby who hasn’t even logged 24 hours out of the womb.
2) The Muconium—you’re apparently already acquainted—is a lot less frightening than it sounds. It is, however, impossibly sticky. You will have to work very, very hard to wipe it off your baby’s bottom. Be prepared, and don’t be afraid to be abrasive. You think you’re going to hurt her. You won’t. Mike: this is probably your job, since we all know you’re never afraid to be abrasive.
3) Our hospital still serves the Enchirito. Part Enchilada, part Burrito, all delicious. This will probably not be the case for you.
4) Her eyes don’t work for weeks after birth. This is totally disconcerting, and totally normal. Even after she begins to smile—and it happens sooner than you think—her eyes will float around in their sockets like the message in the Magic 8 ball. She is not possessed.
5) The swaddling cloths the hospital uses are shockingly soft and soothing despite hundreds of washings in industrial-strength bleach I (think? hope?) they were subjected to. You will be very grateful for this fact.
6) I am sure I do not need to tell you that the experience post-childbirth is radically different from what you have been led to believe. The most striking example of this is how quickly they will take your child away from you after she is born. No hearts, no flowers, just a trip to the Nursery and a date with a series of needles. For her, not for you. Make sure Mike goes with her, by the way, since the Nursery was where I first fell in love.
7) Contrary to popular belief, you will not be tired at all for the first week. Adrenaline is a welcome companion, and makes you very clear of head in the wee hours. No matter how much sleep you lack, you’ll be fine.
8) Also contrary to popular belief, it gets harder, not easier, after that first week. The adrenaline stops working, and all of a sudden you cannot function normally. The second week sucks enormously.
9) All babies look like boys in their first several months. No matter how you doll her up, everyone will call your baby “he”. We had our daughter in a pink sweatshirt, with a big red heart on it and the name “Eliza” in large block letters, and a Slavic woman walked up to me and announced sonorously, “The son looks just like the Father. You are proud”. I was.
10) The baby loses about 15-20% of her weight in the 2-3 days after birth. It then takes many weeks for her to regain that lost weight. I am amazed that people who have been through this process (ie, mothers) do not know this simple fact. If you are breast feeding someone will certainly ask you whether you are starving your child and shouldn’t think about switching to a bottle. You know, because “you can tell that she’s getting her food”. Be prepared.
11) Speaking from experience, leave a clean house before you go to the hospital. It will be the last time you have a clean house for months.
12) Also, when you get home from the hospital, make sure you have plenty of food in your apartment that you can eat with one hand.
13) For several weeks after we left the hospital I washed my hands every time I touched my daughter, both before and after--just to be sure, you know. I am now sure I am an idiot for doing so. However, I am not sure that it didn’t help.
14) Your single most important relationship is between you and your daughter’s pediatrician. Interview several--a patient bedside manner is almost more important than competence. I am serious about that--you will want to call every time she sniffles. And you SHOULD. Do not let a recalcitrant doctor dissuade you from doing so. I cannot stress this enough.
15) Mike, it is Nicole’s job to dress your daughter. And even if she asks you to do so, make sure you get wardrobe approval before you leave the house. Easier that way. Also, Nicole, make sure the diaper bag is properly stocked. We have no earthly idea what should be in there.
16) Her cry changes as rapidly as her body does. The noises she makes at 3 months will be totally different than the ones she makes as a newborn, and so on. They will, however, be just as distressing.
17) The cutest thing your baby will do until she starts laughing is sneeze. You have to see it to believe how ridiculously endearing it is.
18) It will take you at least 30 minutes longer to do anything than it did before you had a baby. The sooner you adapt to that, the better you will be. It is also very surprising how forgiving your friends become as a result.
19) Her belly button will horrify you for a few weeks. Then it will fall off, and that part of her will become just as cute as the rest of her. But, before it does, rest assured: you will have your doubts.
20) So far, the best advice I’ve received is to make a keepsake of a (preferably clean) diaper every time she grows up to a new size. My daughter is already on her third. I am already waxing nostalgic and she hasn’t even hit 6 months yet.
20 things I bet you didn’t know about the baby to be. Or maybe you do, but I sure didn’t.
1) Your baby can’t smile or laugh for several weeks after birth. HOWEVER, your baby will dream while sleeping from the very first night and will laugh out loud in her dreams. If you’re like me you will wake up to make sure she is still breathing, then sit up the rest of the night wondering what on earth could be so funny to a baby who hasn’t even logged 24 hours out of the womb.
2) The Muconium—you’re apparently already acquainted—is a lot less frightening than it sounds. It is, however, impossibly sticky. You will have to work very, very hard to wipe it off your baby’s bottom. Be prepared, and don’t be afraid to be abrasive. You think you’re going to hurt her. You won’t. Mike: this is probably your job, since we all know you’re never afraid to be abrasive.
3) Our hospital still serves the Enchirito. Part Enchilada, part Burrito, all delicious. This will probably not be the case for you.
4) Her eyes don’t work for weeks after birth. This is totally disconcerting, and totally normal. Even after she begins to smile—and it happens sooner than you think—her eyes will float around in their sockets like the message in the Magic 8 ball. She is not possessed.
5) The swaddling cloths the hospital uses are shockingly soft and soothing despite hundreds of washings in industrial-strength bleach I (think? hope?) they were subjected to. You will be very grateful for this fact.
6) I am sure I do not need to tell you that the experience post-childbirth is radically different from what you have been led to believe. The most striking example of this is how quickly they will take your child away from you after she is born. No hearts, no flowers, just a trip to the Nursery and a date with a series of needles. For her, not for you. Make sure Mike goes with her, by the way, since the Nursery was where I first fell in love.
7) Contrary to popular belief, you will not be tired at all for the first week. Adrenaline is a welcome companion, and makes you very clear of head in the wee hours. No matter how much sleep you lack, you’ll be fine.
8) Also contrary to popular belief, it gets harder, not easier, after that first week. The adrenaline stops working, and all of a sudden you cannot function normally. The second week sucks enormously.
9) All babies look like boys in their first several months. No matter how you doll her up, everyone will call your baby “he”. We had our daughter in a pink sweatshirt, with a big red heart on it and the name “Eliza” in large block letters, and a Slavic woman walked up to me and announced sonorously, “The son looks just like the Father. You are proud”. I was.
10) The baby loses about 15-20% of her weight in the 2-3 days after birth. It then takes many weeks for her to regain that lost weight. I am amazed that people who have been through this process (ie, mothers) do not know this simple fact. If you are breast feeding someone will certainly ask you whether you are starving your child and shouldn’t think about switching to a bottle. You know, because “you can tell that she’s getting her food”. Be prepared.
11) Speaking from experience, leave a clean house before you go to the hospital. It will be the last time you have a clean house for months.
12) Also, when you get home from the hospital, make sure you have plenty of food in your apartment that you can eat with one hand.
13) For several weeks after we left the hospital I washed my hands every time I touched my daughter, both before and after--just to be sure, you know. I am now sure I am an idiot for doing so. However, I am not sure that it didn’t help.
14) Your single most important relationship is between you and your daughter’s pediatrician. Interview several--a patient bedside manner is almost more important than competence. I am serious about that--you will want to call every time she sniffles. And you SHOULD. Do not let a recalcitrant doctor dissuade you from doing so. I cannot stress this enough.
15) Mike, it is Nicole’s job to dress your daughter. And even if she asks you to do so, make sure you get wardrobe approval before you leave the house. Easier that way. Also, Nicole, make sure the diaper bag is properly stocked. We have no earthly idea what should be in there.
16) Her cry changes as rapidly as her body does. The noises she makes at 3 months will be totally different than the ones she makes as a newborn, and so on. They will, however, be just as distressing.
17) The cutest thing your baby will do until she starts laughing is sneeze. You have to see it to believe how ridiculously endearing it is.
18) It will take you at least 30 minutes longer to do anything than it did before you had a baby. The sooner you adapt to that, the better you will be. It is also very surprising how forgiving your friends become as a result.
19) Her belly button will horrify you for a few weeks. Then it will fall off, and that part of her will become just as cute as the rest of her. But, before it does, rest assured: you will have your doubts.
20) So far, the best advice I’ve received is to make a keepsake of a (preferably clean) diaper every time she grows up to a new size. My daughter is already on her third. I am already waxing nostalgic and she hasn’t even hit 6 months yet.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Eliza got her first tooth yesterday morning and her second one today. Whoa! Slow down baby and stop growing up so fast would ya?
Friday, October 10, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
October in New Hampshire
We've been up in New Hampshire visiting with Gramma, Papa Gib and the rest of our East coast family since September 24th. Even Aunt Linda (or Auntie Grandmere) and Uncle Greg and Auntie Meg came up to visit. It's beautiful up here right now and we're having a wonderful time. Eliza is very social and thoroughly enjoys spending time with everyone. We've been spending time with Aunt Becky, Uncle Chris, Aunt Sally, Unce David and family friends EJ, Billy and Alex and their newest addition Gracie the labradoodle. Here are some highlights.
With Gramma at the Airport

Loving Papa Gib

Meeting Uncle Greg and Auntie Meg

Getting kisses from Auntie Grandmere

Love Aunt Becky

Playing with Uncle Greg

Hugs from EJ and Alex

Getting Billy's Nose

Playing with New Friend Gracie out on Billy's Boat

Meeting Aunt Sally

With Gramma at the Airport
Loving Papa Gib
Meeting Uncle Greg and Auntie Meg
Getting kisses from Auntie Grandmere
Love Aunt Becky
Playing with Uncle Greg
Hugs from EJ and Alex
Getting Billy's Nose
Playing with New Friend Gracie out on Billy's Boat
Meeting Aunt Sally
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
4 and a Half Months
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
I did it! Thanks to some help from Uncle Greg I figured out how to get my videos the right size for the web. so here you go!
Monday, September 8, 2008
4 Months Old

I can't believe it's been 4 months! What a whirlwind! I think the most amazing developmental thing so far has been learning how to laugh. And why to laugh and when to laugh and just the overall way she surprises herself when she does laugh. I never thought about what a complex and timely process it is. It's truly fascinating and obviously cute as heck. She's about 13 pounds and her newest nickname is Noodle. Don't ask. I don't know. It just stuck. She's very chatty. Apparently she takes after her parents. We go to mommy and me and everyone has to talk over her. She finally enjoys being on her tummy and she pushes her head and shoulders way up to look around. She's also pushing onto her feet and really likes "standing." She thinks it's pretty funny. She's starting to teethe already (eesh) and amazingly, she's sleeping through the night. 11 hours straight! Lucky mommy! We are truly enjoying every second of her and we can't wait for our trip to go see Grandma Kate and Papa Gib at the end of the month!
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