Well, the girl seems to be growing up so fast already. I know, I know. That sounds ridiculous. But the other morning her face looked so mature and I realized that she would never look like a newborn again. Then her little newborn cry (aka "the Goat") went away and real voicey noises are coming out of her mouth. Then she laughed and smiled while she was awake. Then she smiled because we smiled at her. It's all happening so fast. She's pushing 9 pounds so she's still a little peanut but her arms and legs are growing so fast. She's already outgrown her favorite jammies. Alright, they were MY favorite, and yes, I made her wear them one more time even though she could barely straighten her legs in them, because I thought they deserved a proper "going out." So you mean, they don't stay this little? Okay, I'm coming to terms with it. So here are a few pictures I downloaded from my phone over the last few weeks.

1 comment:
Hey EKS,
Your blog is pretty cool. I've been telling Peanut (my rabbit) that she should start a blog. Are you also on MySpace?
So, I know you can't vote yet, but what do you think about Obama? He seems to be pretty cool...and totally pro-baby.
Has anyone told you that you look exactly like Grandma Jenny? Yeah, she's a lot older than you, but still...
Well, gotta go. Peanut wants to show me a poem she wrote. (Told you she should start her own blog.)
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