Monday, June 2, 2008

First Post

Okay, so I've never done this blog thing but I thought it would be a nice thing since so many of Eliza Kate's admirers are so far away.  I'll be posting new pictures and hopefully videos on a regular basis.  
So far this kid has been amazing.  Sure she cries when she needs something and she needs something quite often, and we're totally sleep deprived but it's amazing how fast you learn how to keep a little human alive.  For a little three week old, she's got a lot of personality.  She's smiling and laughing but not for any particular reason so far.  She laughs so loud in her sleep sometimes she wakes us up.  She's become somewhat of an expert gas machine.   She looks just like her daddy down to her toes.  She's come to enjoy her bath times, although we're pretty sure she's peeing in there and wondering what to do about that.  At this point whatever makes her happy makes us happy so if Eliza wants to pee in her tub then Eliza will pee in her tub.  She's super strong and has been picking her head up from day one.  She's got the quad muscles of a Russian weight lifter.  I'm not kidding.  As of right now, her interests include car rides, music, bumpy sidewalks in her stroller and pooping on her dad.  Well, pooping anywhere really, but it's funnier when she does it on dad!  


johnsic said...


Libby said...

Beautiful, beautiful baby girl!!!!!! But then with parents like the two of you, who could expect anything different? Can't wait to have her at the Exit :).

Anonymous said...

Eliza Kate, you are a natural blogger! Thanks for keeping us all in the loop. Its great to see that you have the good looks of your dad with the natural charm and grace of your mom. Good job picking them two as parents too, nice work all round!

Anonymous said...

sweet lord eliza is gorgeous! i can't stop laughing at the whole pooping on her dad thing. haaaaaa!! i love you scottie but that is just hilarious. miss and love you all. can't wait to meet little eliza in person. xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

I've pooped on Scott before, too. It's hilarious.

Tawnya said...

Scott, I am weeping at my computer as I read about your experiences thus far with parenthood, which Matt and I could not be happier that you are having!!! We are *so* happy for you, as you know being part of the Three Kid Club that we are, promote reproduction profusely and think you're off to a great start...especially having a little girl. I am so happy. Wow. I love, love, love that you have a beautiful baby girl, and I adore her name. Perfect. And, she so looks like you!!!!